Friday, April 25, 2008

Empty Bowls 2008, a Great Success

The Palouse Studio Potters Guild raised over $1500.00 for hunger organizations with our most recent Empty Bowls project. It was held on April 19th, in the 1912 Center in Moscow, Idaho. The Moscow Food Co-op provided their delicious homemade chili and bread. Handmade bowls were donated by the Palouse Potters Guild, C.A.G.N.I., Michael Wendt, and others who wanted to help with this cause. There was a lot of positive energy put into this project.

A wide variety of bowls were available for the public.

We often heard people say: "But it's so hard to choose!"

These young art patrons show off their choices.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Palouse Potters Guild Brush Workshop

On March 22nd. 2008, the Palouse Studio Potters Guild attended a workshop taught by guild member Judith Marvin at her studio. We learned how to make beautiful bamboo brushes for applying glazes using techniques Judith learned from noted brushmaker and ceramicist Glen Grishkoff.

A variety of the creative, yet functional, brushes made by Guild members

Judith is a patient and well-organized teacher, everyone had the opportunity to make several brushes, we all had a great time, and plan to do it again.

These brushes are examples of the wide variety of styles possible

A view of some brush details

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Empty Bowls

Examples of maiolica bowls, a style in which Guild member Lizette Fife excells.

The Palouse Studio Potters Guild is holding an "Empty Bowls" donation for Hunger April 19th, 2008. For this The Palouse Potters make and handmade bowls. The website says: "The basic idea for Empty Bowls is simple. Participants create ceramic bowls, then serve a simple meal of soup and bread. Guests choose a bowl to use that day and to keep as a reminder that there are always Empty Bowls in the world. In exchange for a meal and the bowl, the guest gives a suggested minimum donation of ten dollars. The meal sponsors and /or guests choose a hunger-fighting organization to receive the money collected".

We are asking $15.00 for a bowl, which is still a great bargain. The funds we generate will be donated to Oxfam and a regional small town food bank that is in dire need of food.

This isn't a soup bowl, but it gives you an idea of the elegance of Guild Member Carolyn Guy's bowls.

Empty Bowls is the most wonderful activity. The Moscow Food Co-op provides 2 homemade soups and bread. We have offers of about 200 bowls from potters. People get a simple meal of delicious soup enjoyed in a friendly atmosphere, donate to a worthy cause, and walk home with a handmade ceramic bowl to remember the occasion.