Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Here are some more photos from the Dahman Artisan Barn's show
 mugs by Judith Marvin
 Porcelain by Carolyn Guy
A murder of ravens by Jeanne Wood
The Palouse Studio Potter's Guild had a show at the Dahman Artisan's Barn from November 4th through November 25th 2012. The Barn is in Uniontown WA with hours from 10:00am-6:00pm Thursday through Sunday. There are many more beautiful ceramics than are shown here too.
 South looking view of the gallery. Val Boydo's "Nightmares" Judith Martin's "Sagger Fired Vase" Val's disk instillations, and Carolyn Guy's bowl and Raku pot.
A close-up of Val's disks

 More of Val's Instillation
 Ryan Law's "Crow" sculpture and Jeanne Wood's "Raven Vase" appear to be cawing at the same thing.
 David Roon's handmade tiles in his table.
 Ryan Law's Possum Family
 Another view of the Gallery with Ryan Law's "Ducks" in the front.
A selection of functional pottery by Carolyn Guy
"Sake Set" by Judith Marvin

A selection of cave inspired art by Jeanne Wood

 A bust by Ryan Law and some pit fired vases by Jeanne Wood
"Octopus Vase" by David Roon

Ocean inspired ceramics by Val Boydo

Friday, February 3, 2012

Judith Hosts A Barrel Firing

The Summer of 2011, the Palouse Studio Potters were invited to Casa Marvin with Judith and Gary to do a barrel firing followed by one of our famous pot luck lunches.

This is what it looks like beginning to load the barrel. Straw, dung, kindling, banana peels, paper, Miracle Gro.
Oh yes, add some ceramics too. These are Judith's tile and set of buttons. Then more layers of fuel.

Jeanne's amphora and Judith's jar, more fuel will be piled on.

The barrel loaded moments before we lit it afire and removed to the excellent lunch.

After just a few hours it has burned down. A few pots are peeking out from the coals.
Judith's tile is still very hot, but you can see some color from the firing.

And some finished pots. Including a broken amphora, this kind of firing is rough and tumble and the pots don't all work out. Although the ones in the foreground did.